Co-Lab Better Together
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Participating Councils

Smart Water

In New Zealand, water is our most precious resource, yet it is often taken for granted and perceived to be unlimited.

Smart Water is a partnership between Hamilton City Council, Waipa District Council and Waitomo District Council, aiming to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of water from source to tap. We support schools, organisations and the community to value water and use it in an efficient way.

Co-Lab employs two Smart Water Coordinators who develop educational resources, run educational visits at schools, maintain the Smart Water website, and run the Summer Water campaign.

Smart Water coordinates several projects and campaigns across the sub-region that aim to:

  • Reduce the amount of water being used all year-round and particularly during the summer months;
  • Increase community understanding around the importance of saving water and that water is a precious resource; and
  • Increase awareness of different ways to save water and foster sustainable water habits.

A large focus of Smart Water is the Summer Water Alert Level system, which is a way of working with the community to use water in a sustainable manner and ensure consistent supply throughout summer. The water alert level system consists of four alert levels and matching requirements. Water Alert Levels are communicated to the public through public notices, radio, Councils’ websites, social media, road and pedestrian signage, newspaper advertising and on

To ensure a consistent message across the sub-region, a website has been created to provide a centralised location for all water use information and water saving tips. The website address is It profiles each district’s current alert level, weekly consumption and a ‘water concern form’ for members of the community to be able to report water wastage.

Smart Water Brochure

Video: Water is appreciated