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Participating Councils

Waikato Regional Council Standard Drawings

Waikato Regional Council (WRC) has recently completed a project of standardising several components of WRC’s assets including pump stations and floodgates. We aim to achieve design consistency of our new assets across all zones in the Waikato and reduce design costs for our capital and maintenance projects.

A set of standard designs were put together which can be used to construct components or be incorporated into an overall asset design for bigger projects. This would mean we are able to save money by avoiding the redesign and draughting costs of the already existing components.

All drawings with a watermark stating ‘Concept Design’ are not construction ready and require further development during the detail design phase of the project.
Waikato Regional Council has no control over the documents that have been downloaded, therefore users are responsible for ensuring they have the latest version of the drawings.

iconpdf  WRC-1688 Safety Gate rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1688 Safety Gate rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1689 Lamp Pole rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1689 Lamp Pole rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1690 Weedscreen rev.0

iconpdf  WRC-1691 Egress Steps rev.0

iconpdf  WRC-1692 Vertical Ladder rev.0

iconpdf  WRC-1693 Flapgate Lifting Mechanism rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1693 Flapgate Lifting Mechanism rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1694 Sluice Gate rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1694 Sluice Gate rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1694 Sluice Gate rev.0 (S3)

iconpdf  WRC-1694 Sluice Gate rev.0 (S4)

iconpdf  WRC-1695 Hydraulic Ram rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1695 Hydraulic Ram rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1695 Hydraulic Ram rev.0 (S3)

iconpdf  WRC-1695 Hydraulic Ram rev.0 (S4)

iconpdf  WRC-1695 Hydraulic Ram rev.0 (S5)

iconpdf  WRC-1695 Hydraulic Ram rev.0 (S6)

iconpdf  WRC-1696 Outlet structure rev.0

iconpdf  WRC-1697 Flapgate Large Diameter rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1697 Flapgate Large Diameter rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1698 Flapgate Small Diameter rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1698 Flapgate Small Diameter rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1699 Walkway rev.0

iconpdf  WRC-1701 Inlet Structure rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1701 Inlet Structure rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1702 Sump Inlet Stoplog Slots rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1702 Sump Inlet Stoplog Slots rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1702 Sump Inlet Stoplog Slots rev.0 (S3)

iconpdf  WRC-1703 Handrail rev.0

iconpdf  WRC-1704 Accessway, Service Beam, Winch and Pulley rev.0 (S1)

iconpdf  WRC-1704 Accessway, Service Beam, Winch and Pulley rev.0 (S2)

iconpdf  WRC-1704 Accessway, Service Beam, Winch and Pulley rev.0 (S3)

IMPORTANT - RITS Announcement

LINZ has now made it mandatory for all councils to move from Moturiki Datum1953 (and others) to New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016) from 1 July 2024. So on 1 July 2024 all as-builts and data sheets will be required to be to NZVD2016. Note that some councils in the Waikato have already made this change.
For more information please visit LINZ NZVD2016.