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Participating Councils

Trade Waste

There are a number of premises within the region that generate trade waste. Trade Waste is any liquid discharged from industrial or business premises into the wastewater system. This wastewater is generally stronger and if not well managed poses a risk to infrastructure and the environment.

Trade Waste can include a range of pollutants such as fats, oils, greases, solids, and chemicals that may pose a potential risk of harm to the wastewater reticulation systems and treatment plants, as well as the health and safety of people and the environment.

The Trade Waste team play a vital role in the management of trade waste across the region to ensure the wastewater system is protected and to ensure all liquid wastewater can be safely transported and treated.

Any business that is likely to generate wastewater as a result of carrying out their business requires a Trade Waste consent to discharge wastewater into the wastewater system. Each consent is written specifically with set conditions to minimise any risk to the wastewater reticulation systems and treatment plants.

To learn more about the services provided by the Trade Waste Team, you can contact one of our friendly Trade Waste Officers on 0800 357 358 or fill in the Trade Waste application form.