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SHE Health & Safety

Building health and safety into contract management

Councils are committed to working with their contractors to keep everyone safe and healthy. They do this by maintaining positive partnerships through consultation, cooperation and coordination. Our organisation follows the WorksafeNZ guidance on how PCBUs should work together, which includes the following requirements:

  • Scoping of the required works:
    • Councils will work with contractors to understand what work needs to be done and where, and to share information about what hazards and risks will be involved.
  • Pre-qualification of contractors:
    • Councils require all contractors undertaking physical works to be registered with SHE (see information below).
  • Monitoring:
    • Subject to the risk and length of the work, council contract managers will undertake monitoring during the duration of the contract. This could include site visits and inspections, pre-start meetings and site handover, inductions, and project updates.
  • Post-contract review:


Contractor health and safety pre-qualification scheme

Waikato and Bay of Plenty Councils have teamed up with SHE Software NZ Ltd to streamline the pre-qualification process. The system will be made available to all Councils throughout New Zealand to pre-qualify contractors. This will ensure Councils are using contractors who operate with effective health and safety management systems and are holding current and relevant insurances.

This system will help us meet our responsibilities to ensure that contractors, working for or on Council assets and/or supplying services, have effective health and safety management systems to prevent harm to people and the environment, or damage to property.

Benefits to contractors include:

  • An easier system that will enable contractors to be pre-qualified for multiple Councils through the one process;
  • Improved relationships between contractors and Councils; and
  • Contributing to the WorkSafe New Zealand’s Statement of Intent strategy to reduce injuries by 2020

This process requires contractors who carry out services for participating Councils, to apply to become pre-qualified every two years. Should these expire in the system, Councils will not allow you to carry out work for them until renewals are received.

The fees (paid online) are:

Number of employees No. of insurances included 2 Year Cost (GST exclusive)
Small (<5 employees) Unlimited $280
Medium (5-24 employees) Unlimited $525
Large (25 and more) Unlimited $1025

As contractors become pre-qualified, company/industry details will be accessible on a database. This provides visibility to contractors and Council staff to identify who is approved, assisting with the tendering process and Council procurement.

Please direct all your inquiries to

>> To commence your application, please click here.

NOTE: Please ensure you have an email address prior to commencing your application as this will be required to complete the process.

TIP: Consider setting up a folder on your desktop to save all evidence required to enable easy uploading into the application.


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